We've never seen the vulture dance before |
After we caught the three masked bandits, there have been no further reports of lost birds, so we must have got the right three all at once. We were glad to help.
On a bird related topic, Lawman went back to his gadget roots this week. We have a kiddie pool we use for the ducks to do duck things in. The problem is it takes quite a bit of water, and "doing duck things" fouls up the water pretty quick. We hated the thought of dumping gallons of water out, it seemed like a waste. Gadget guy to the rescue.
He found a marine pump, bought some wire to make extensions and battery clips to clip the wires to the lawnmower battery, and bingo bango, we have a water transfer system. We drain the duck water into the mower wagon, haul the duck poop water to the garden, put the pump in the wagon, and pump the water into the garden. We water and fertilize all at once. Not a drop of water wasted.
Moving on to garden things, we picked our first veggies this week.
Cucumbers and peppers |
Fresh kale |
Tommy Toe tomato |
Our soon to be world famous cream cheese icing |
Then she made a hot dog casserole for dinner one night.
We saw an ad for "Authentic Viking Cheese" on the interwebs and researched the stuff. It is made in the ancient tradition that the Vikings used, and the cheese travels well enough for raids across the ocean, we figured it would ship OK to the states. We ordered a batch of it and it came this week. It has a gritty consistency but it tastes like nothing we've ever tried before. Lawman loved it, Cupcake, not so much.
Friday night we stayed in and got caught up on some of our nurd shows. Cloak and Dagger and Luke Cage were on the agenda, along with popcorn. And since we don't own a microwave oven, we went old school.
And then this past Sunday was the annual family reunion. Lawman made two chocolate pies, two buttermilk pies, and one cheese cake. Cupcake made two dozen deviled eggs. We saw some folks we don't gett to see very often and had a great meal. Cupcake says it's not a real family reunion, because nobody got into a fist fight and the police did not close the event down. Apparently the Price reunions are on a whole different level?
Only home made pie crusts will do |
We ended the week with wings.