This past week, we made sure to take pictures as we went along our day to day. Sunday we sent Cupcake off on another whirlwind adventure, this time to Texas.
Lawman came home from the airport to write the blog, and that's where the fun began.
Our laptop took forever to load, and once it did, it said it had to restart to update. So we jumped through the hoops and after another thirty minutes or so, Lawman inserted the camera card to upload this week's pictures. No pictures found, it says. So Lawman rebooted the computer once again and tried once more. No pictures found. Next step was take the card out and back in the camera. No pictures found.
OK, so the card took a crap. Lawman goes to the laptop to write the update scans pictures, and the laptop won't connect to the interwebs.
By now, Lawman has 90 minutes or so invested in writing the blog and has not a single line to show for it.
This is from the cell.
While Cupcake is away, Lawman may be checking local establishments for new laptops. But that's a secret. Don't tell Cupcake.
The one picture came from the phone. Nothing like finding a brand new family of barn cats in your chicken coop straw. Go team us.
Just K this week.