This week we managed to confirm that both wonder twins are Dudley labs. We took the question to the undisputed authority on all things. Facebook.
There is a group for Dudley labs on the Face Place where we posted pictures of the twins, and after nearly 400 reactions and comments there were no dissenting votes, all agreed we have a couple of rare pups on our hands. After a long day down by the ponds, we see the twins begging for a bath.
We did the brisket and cabbage thing like everyone else did. We guess, we dont know.
Our twist on Irish meals is Irish oatmeal bread. Once again, nothing store bought like "Crazy Granny" would do. It's all scratch made with real Irish oatmeal.
Proofing the yeast |
Soaking the oatmeal in cream |
We have started our garden seeds and have a few to share this week.
Pear trees started from seed |
Our giant cabbage plants |
Below are a few tomato seeds that have just started to come up. This is not nearly all the tomato plants we will use this year. Lawman likes to start his Cherokee Purples from seed, but Cupcake likes to go on a buying spree every single time she sees a tomato plant out someplace. And we have five gardens this year, so lots of spree room.
Its a good thing we have five gardens, because it's looking more and more like only the people with gardens will be eating.
We've watched with some wonder as the world falls apart because toilet paper and cleaning supplies have vanished from shelves. Local stores have sold out of every kind of meat and canned veggie you can think of. Bread is gone, even flour. Once the trucks stop rolling and everything closes, we will all see just how the government will not be there to support us and we will each be responsible for taking care of ourselves.
This past week we had a minor incident here at The Acre that goes to that point. Lawman was doing a passive sweep for threats, and noticed a man standing at the end of the road. There was no car near him so he got a second look. The man seemed to be talking to himself and practicing judo moves while he walked around in circles. This in it's self is not illegal and Lawman always said he would never be "that guy" that bothers the local law enforcement over nothing, but when the judo guy pulled his pee pee out and took a whiz for all to see, we figured we would go ahead and jingle the Sheriff.
We called around 0915 in the morning, gave dispatch the description and kept an eye on judo guy. He tried to cross our fence and walk down by the ponds, but stopped and sat down for a while. The S.O. called back about thirty minutes later and asked if the guy was still there, and he was. At 1000hrs, the deputy showed up just as Judo guy was walking away toward the county line. We drove to the end of the road to keep an eye out for the deputy because he appeared to be alone, but when we got there a back-up from the Montgomery side had arrived, so we came on back home.
The point of the story for us is, had judo guy had evil intent, we would have been waiting for government help for 45 minutes.
We are not being critical of the Floyd boys at all. We know it's a large county and staffing is minimal at best and we live in BFE. We are very aware that we will have to take care of real threats ourselves, and based on the lines at the local Rural King to purchase a firearm, many others are coming to that same conclusion?
Anywho, we are prepared if we do face danger. We are prepared for a couple of months not leaving the crib. Lets do this thing.