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Sunday, August 29, 2021

Dog Tired

 It was kind of a slow week around The Acre. No matter what we do or don't do, the DT's still gotta get their runs in. The good thing about running them all day is they are starting to enjoy down time. 

The one big project we tackled this week was getting Deathstroke ready for our first long trip to Gettysburg. Lawman changed all the filters and fluids.

We've always had the truck in the shop each time the fuel filter needed changing. This time was the first time for us, so we did that first. It was a simple operation.
The air filter wasn't bad, but we had a new one so we changed it out anyway.
Cupcake always likes to stroll down memory lane when we change the oil in our vehicles. Apparently, in her previous life "The Outlaw" would find a way to botch the job, and end up threatening arson to her vehicle while drinking beer. After a few years of that, he just refused to do the work because "it was too much trouble." Lawman gets it done in under an hour without a beer or flame to be seen.
We did a couple of food items this week. First off was Cupcake's favorite, Paprika chicken.
We had pizza one night. Turns out our sketti sauce works for pizza sauce too.

We are so looking forward to fall, we broke out the pumpkin goodness early. First off, pumpkin pancakes with pecan sprinkles.
Cupcake loved the pancakes so much she requested a pumpkin roll. What Cupcake wants, Cupcake gets.
Duck eggs. Always duck eggs for baking

The good thing about early pumpkin roll making is, when it goes wrong nobody will see it yet. This turned out to be more of a pumpkin layer cake because the roll broke in half. We'll just have to make more to practice.
We ended the week with pumpkin cake and naps.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Hip to Snip

 This week we had Willow "fixed" at the hip to snip shop. She came through with flying colors. When we did Augustus we used the cone of shame to keep him from chewing on his stitches, and it didn't work out too well. So we looked for another way to go when we did Willow, Cupcake settled on the puppy "onesie."

Willow didn't think much of it.

She was up and running the next day. 
Other goings on this week, we had a pretty good rain mid week. That caused drama at the family cemetery. But it was a quick fix for our well oiled machine family.

A second tree fell on the other side of the cemetery. We cut it up for campfire wood on our next trip in Serendipity.
We took the DT's with us, but Augustus seems to know Lawman is accident prone. He watched from a safe distance until the power tools got put away.
Early in the week, "The Boy's" Shower sprung a leak inside the wall. Closer examination found the pipe to the shower head broke off inside the water line.

We had to call in the big guns, Brother Kevin told us about a plumbing tool to remove the broken pipe so we had The Boy bring one home from work. We whipped the new shower head in shape in no time.
We started saving seeds for next season. 
We picked a few grapes from our vines that started coming in this week.
Cupcake's white peaches came in this week too.
Food related items this week.
First, Cupcake found a recipe for a butterscotch pumpkin bread.

We added pecans to the top as our own little tweak. 
And last weeks oysters were so good, we had them again this week.
Cupcake made some home made hushpuppies to go with them.
We ended the week with oysters and naps.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Harvest Time

 We spent this week either in the garden or in the kitchen. Some days, both. The tomatoes have been steady coming in, a bushel at a time. We didn't waste a single one. Every day we had a bushel of tomatoes on the stove for soup, and at the end of the day we would can it up. 

Toward the end of the week, we had one more bushel come in. We cooked it up and made a case for the Halls. They keep giving us jars, so we fill them up and send them back.

We also have squash still coming in so fresh from the vine to the plate is a thing.
And we don't know if you've seen the meme of "Your grandmother looking down on you while you fry chicken in an air fryer" but we don't have that problem. Crisco and cast iron is how we roll at The Acre.
We did use our new Big Spring Mill BBQ seasoned flour. It had a hint of BBQ, but not overpowering the chicken. If you can find it, we recommend you give it a go.
Last week we shared our new cast iron from the antique store, this week we put em to use. Cornbread for dinner one night then peach cobbler for dessert one night.

To re-enforce our theory that "The Outlaw" chose the wrong side, we had fried oysters for dinner Sunday night. He loves fried oysters, even though he has no idea what he's doing when he cooks them. 

And Cupcake cut a few sunflowers out of the garden to spruce up The Acre.

Lastly this week, while we had the DT's out running we found some ripe fox grapes. 

Our grapes are still green, so we will have to enjoy wild grapes for another month. 
We ended the week with a nap, and cobbler.