We added new life to The Acre this week. Three weeks ago we had two birds go broody, so we took that days egg supply and marked them and let the girls do their thing. Thorsday we found one bird hatched. We brought it up to the house and put it in the baby bird tub. The Boy came home from a 24 hour shift the next day and saw the bird, came in the house and asked "Rural King charging so much for chicks that you can only afford one at a time?"
In other life related news, the miracle mushrooms popped up this week. We got two inches of rain the day after we got our garden plants planted, and the next day we found miracle mushrooms popping up everywhere. A normal harvest of mushrooms is one here, one there, but this time we found dozens at one spot. We only picked what we could eat and left the rest. We seeded them down around our ponds two years ago, this year they took off. We hope that if we leave some, they will come back next year even stronger. We will report our results.
Cupcake found a pint of super ripe local strawberries, so she bought a pint and made a batch of strawberry syrup for pancake Saturday.
One thing we pride ourselves on is not wasting anything if we can help it. This week we had one leftover porkchop, two fried chicken thighs, a pint of sketti sauce and some fresh mushrooms that were getting close to not being so fresh. Lawman whipped up a "leftover pizza" for dinner one night, that fed us for two nights. We ended the week with a steak gifted from the neighbors, fried mushrooms and two really good naps.