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Monday, November 11, 2013

A Week of Smoked Meat

This week was a slow week for things to do around The Acre. With free time comes gourmet meals, and by gourmet we mean smoked meat. Big man found a beef roast at the local Kroger and smoked it up one night.

We also did two chickens. The first chicken went for chicken and dumplins (in at cast iron pot, of course)

and the second went for a straight up dinner. But we had a lot left over so there may be another dumplins meal in our future, or another casserole. We are versatile like that.

This weekend Speedy took his cousin out deer hunting and the lad put down his first deer ever. Killed with a bow, so Speedy has passed his how to with a bow on to a new family member. He also butchered the deer himself with no help from the big man. It was a proud event all around.

Katie Grace had all friend over for a sleepover, and there was the traditional Sunday morning breakfast. After we cleaned up it was off to dig potatoes for Pop.

While we were over by the barn we dug out our Christmas stuff from storage, and the next warm day will be hang the lights day. We don't turn them on until Thanksgiving night, but why wait till the coldest day of the year to hang em?
We ended the weekend with Chicken Wing Sunday, as usual. We also had wings Friday night as a special celebration, it was our honeymoon meal. We got married Friday morning.
Hope everyone has a great week.
K&K (The Lights)

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