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Sunday, February 23, 2014

....And We're Back

We missed last weeks update due to computer issues, but we are back up and running this week. It was an eventful time to be sure. For all of you who doubted the bad winter predictions of ours, "we told you so".
We got thirty inches of snow here at The Acre. In town it appears more like a little over a foot, but we got hammered. Cupcake says she may have overdone the snow dance this year, and she loves snow. And since we couldn't find a shovel that would fit Jacob's hand, the first order of business this summer will be to follow in the OmniGeek's footsteps and purchase a snow blower.
Before the big snow came, we did some prep work. Big man had a leftover deer leg he smoked earlier, and it was sliced up with leftover pork loin and leftover smoked chicken to make about five gallons of veggie/meat soup. We canned 16.5 quarts for future meals after we enjoyed a snowy day staple.

We did some critter prep too. Putting out bird seed for the feather friends who visit us at The Acre, and for squirrels too, apparently.

There was what we thought would be a neat DIY project we saw on one of our chicken sites, and with plenty of free time we thought we would give it a try. Chickens love grass, and this time of year green grass is few and far between. We have scratch grain on hand to supplement their feed anyway, so this was a no trip to town project.  First we soaked a couple scoops of scratch grain overnight in plain tap water.

Next we moved the wet grain to small plastic bowls with drain holes in the bottom.
We watered the grains twice a day, and left them in the window to catch the sun, and after a few days we had grain/grass treat for our egg ladies.
The birds went nuts when we put it out, of course at the time the snow was waist deep to big man, so the timing was perfect.  Fraidy Mutt decided to check out the tunnel we made for the birds to get under the covered porch to keep the snow off their feet.

We shoveled a path for the girls, and had to keep on it for about 24 hours, this was our first pass morning of the snow
Fraidy Mutt had it worse of all, she would not do her bidness in a path we shoveled out for her, so she ended up looking like this on her potty breaks
She was not impressed. But is sure is pretty if you don't have to poop in it
We still managed chicken wing Sunday, so we passed the storm with little disruption. It may be wishful thinking right now, but we opened up our seed packets and began planing our garden on Sunday. We also started our tomato seeds. Follow up next week.

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