We also started our seeds for "them yellow cucumbers", green cucumbers, and squash. We doubled down on squash this year since we found a recipe for squash relish. We only managed a few jars last year, we are going to corner the market this year (fingers crossed). We promised "Rhulenbarb" a couple sets of yellow cucumbers, and we might throw in a couple squash sets while we at it.
We also planted a batch of horseradish in an old whiskey barrel. We hear tell the leafs are good in salad, and since our salad fixings are up and growing, we added this to the mix.
You may notice a few apple cores drying in the sun near the seed sets? With all the apple pie baking going on, we have a lot of apples about the house. We have been saving seeds and planting them in pots. We did four last year on a whim, and they all came up. We set them out on the property and they have flourished, so now we are going to play "Johnny Appleseed" and plant as many as we can. Future generations may enjoy the orchard, at least the deer will.
The finishing touches on the hen house were completed over the week, the covered run is finished, and the big birds were successfully moved into the hen house.
We kept them locked in for two days while it rained, and now they know it is their home.
We dare you to find a fresher egg? Go on, try |
We also moved the new egg ladies to their new home in the old coop. They seem to be doing well out there.
They are just small enough to fit through the wire on the covered run, so they will have to remain cooped up for another week or so, but the way they are eating, it wont be long.
We managed to get to "Dude's Drive In" Saturday night for a throwback date night, and we ended the weekend with "Chicken Wing Sunday" which remains our tradition.