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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Farm Living

Living on a farm is the greatest thing ever, but there is the occasional work goes in to it. It's not for lazy people. I made my rounds Monday on the fence, I found breaks in three spots, and insulators off in seven more. After a days work, we are putting 18 volts out, which is optimal.
Tuesday was check for down trees. YAY us, we found two.
The second one was down across the food plot where we have one of our archery stands. The first was  down along a small road below the house that runs along a Creek that the cows use to navigate around the house. The one across the road was a cedar tree. We hated to see that, there is no prettier wood on The Acre than a cedar tree.
Then the weekend came....
We trekked to town Saturday, and bought three more fruit trees. Two plum trees and a Bing Cherry tree. We have decided this is our last year in the current garden, we are going to let the strawberries take it over, and plant blueberry bushes along the rim, making the current garden our fruit garden, and moving the meat/potato garden further from the house. (More fence building).

Bing Cherry

Strawberries are taking off

We have eleven rhubarb plants this year
Cupcake was especially excited this weekend, because apparently in her previous life, the technology to dig a hole and plant a fruit tree in a vertical position did not exist. This befuddles the Big Man.
I guess it's the new generation who use power augers or call "the guy". Here at The Acre, we use old school post hole diggers, and get good service every time.
Solid iron digger/tamper and post hole tool. Old school digging
After we got the fruit orchard one step closer to being, we transplanted two blueberry bushes from the front flower garden to the new fruit section.
Blue Berry Bush

Pink Lemon-aide blueberry bush
Then we tilled out two short rows for more lettuce and a row of collards.
After that, we transplanted our tomato sets from peat pots to potting soil cups, planted a dozen or so pear seeds we saved from last fall, and cleaned out the garage, moving the Christmas totes to the barn and whatnot.
We ended the weekend with "Chicken Wing Sunday", which is our tradition.


  1. Outstanding! Hope all that prep work pays off in years and years of good food!

    1. Thank you sir! You can start looking forward to all this yourself soon :)
