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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fall Things

We started decorating for fall around The Acre this week. Cupcake tore the bone out with planting for fall, and it paid off this week. We started off with a couple pumpkins and Indian corn.
Cupcake also planted a big row of broom corn, and we started making a few decorations with it.

We also cut a few wild flowers and placed in vases around the house.
It's not really a decoration, but chestnuts began falling this week, so we picked up a couple of pockets full, and planted them in flower pots on the deck. We hope they sprout next spring.
While we were out in the garden cutting broom corn, we planted our hanging strawberry plants, which we are still getting berries off of, by the way.

And while we were digging holes in the garden, we grabbed a couple of carrots for the coming week.
And while we were coming back to the house, we noticed a volunteer tomato plant had started growing in the walkway. No doubt, a result of chicken poop with seeds in it. Big Man decided to dig it up and transplant it into the strawberry hanging basket. We are going to keep it inside this winter, to see if we can manage a fresh tomato or two over the winter.

Speaking of winter, we predict it's going to be another cold and snowy one. Our mountain laurels out in front of the house began to bloom this week. They are only suppose to bloom in the spring, so when a spring flower blooms in fall, be ready with a snow shovel.
And since we are predicting a harsh winter, we whipped up some snowed in comfort food. Tomato soup. We used nine quarts of our tomatoes from last week, the rest of our garden onions, a couple stalks of celery, plus a few herbs from Cupcake's herb collection, and now all we need is some grilled cheese sandwiches fried up on cast iron, which we also have covered in spades.

Cupcake says "Crazy Granny" loves her some tomato soup with macaroni in it. She is soooo going to miss out, because this will make Campbells soup taste like dirt. There is no comparing to home made.
We also gathered the last of our jalapeno peppers, and started making jalapeno jelly. It is our most asked for item, after them yellow pickles.

 The first batch of jelly made eight pints. We have about three more cookings like this one, so we may get two cases of jelly out of our peppers. That should last us through the winter (maybe).

Our last entry this week is home made pizza. We broke in our new half price pizza rack, and it did not disappoint. Big Man whipped up a from scratch pizza dough, and then cut the dough to fit the rack. The crust turned out perfect this time. This entry is a smoked brisket/pepperoni pizza. It rocked.

We ended the week with our thing. Chicken Wing Sunday.

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