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Sunday, February 15, 2015

I'm Cupid, Stupid

That is Cupcake's favorite line from Season 3 of Arrow so far

This week, there was something all new at The Acre. Cupcake ate a bunch of clams. Big Man is always on the hunt for cooking ideas, because he has free time like that. Cupcake has one rule, no seafood. But while playing shack bitch two weeks ago, he found clams on sale and could not pass up a bargain. Big Man figured he would make a pot of clam chowder (CHOWDAH!!) and he could eat it for lunch while Cupcake was at work, and maybe even can a few pints for lunch down the road. Unbeknownst to him, it is unsafe to can seafood, even in a pressure canner. So, there's that.
Then, magic happened. Cupcake came home from work and smelled the chowder (CHOWDAH!!) cooking. She tried it, and she liked it. She requested we have it for dinner the next night, and we did. So many new things being tried. Giggity.

The next search lead Big Man to pound cake. He had never made a pound cake before, and we do not have a round pan, so it turned out a sheet pound cake. This one was a cream cheese pound cake. It wasn't bad, but it did not turn out well enough we would feel comfortable with gifting one. More work is needed.

Going with the something new theme, Cupcake found a recipe for Valentines Day "crack". It's pretzel and nut brittle, and it sure was good.

And in celebration of the holiday, Kattie Grace wanted to make chocolate covered strawberries. She did all the work, and they lasted for about two hours after she was done. She's a chip off the cooking block.

We made pizza Thursday night, two cheese pizzas kept us going through the night.

And lastly, an update on our celery stalks. The first one is doing so well, we started a second one.
You can see a candle behind the soon to be chicken wing Sunday. The chirruns bought Cupcake a candle for Valentines Day.
Hope everyone had a great weekend. See y'all back here next time.

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