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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Homecoming Week

This week, Auburn had it's Homecoming events. We seem to remember back in our day, there was a bone fire, a pep rally, then a sock hop? Anyway, it's a big to do now, and Kattie Grace participated to the fullest.

Saturday morning, Jake and his cousin went deer hunting at the crack of dawn. While we were up fixing the hunting men's breakfast we say this visitor in the yard. We laughed and laughed......

The visitor walked down the road toward them, so we figured it was hunting them?
Jake got his deer meat from the butcher from his big deer kill last week, so there will be deer chili on the menu very soon.
Speaking of the menu, we did a little cooking this week, if you can imagine that?
From scratch pizza crust

Grown up pizza

Jake's personal pan pizza

Smoked brisket. We love us some brisket

Beef potroast with blue potatoes
Both of us caught a nasty bug toward the end of the week, so we kind of took it easy and got some rest, which makes for a short update, but we do have one project related picture. Cupcake's fetish of the fall, marigold seeds.
We planted two plants in the spring, it's one of the few flowers the chickens will leave alone. One wild flower came up in the driveway from a small pile of chicken poop, and it grew larger than any we planted. So now the plan is to save all the seeds we can from this years flowers, and add them to the chicken feed this winter. Now, if we could only teach them to poop in rows?  We will probably save a bunch for us to plant in the regular way too. We will be sure to update in the spring.
We ended the week with wings.

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