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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Humpty Dumpty

This week we ended up with an accident that made us laugh. Well, Big Man anyway. Saturday we cleaned out the garage to make room for the new addition to our flock, and take all the Christmas stuff back to the barn and whatnot. We had a small path from the house door to the garage door, and that just won't do. Now we have a clean garage with plenty of room for the 40 new chicks we ordered from Tractor Supply. But we digress.

We hooked up the trailer to the Big Blue Bus, and backed the trailer up to the garage door to load up all the junk we hauled off. Big Man tried to step over the tongue of the trailer, and hooked his foot, causing a great fall. After a system check for a few minutes, it was determined nothing was broken, so off to the green boxes we went.

It's funny because last year Cupcake slipped on some ice in the driveway, and fell flat on her back. Big Man was in the truck jamming out to George Jones classic tune of "The King is Gone" and Cupcake was concerned there was no rush to aide. For over a year now she's said "just wait until you fall, I'll be standing over your singing 'Ya-ba-dab-a-do' to you". Well, Big Man stayed down until the lyrics kicked in, but it was in vain, there was no serenade. Cupcake did poke her fingers into Big Man's ribs and asked "that hurt?". It was classic Cupcake.

But back to our update. We did some baking, we did some usual stuff, we sold some eggs and had a new kind of egg show up this week. We will start off with that.

We get about two dozen eggs a day, so you must think we're crazy for adding 40 more hens to our flock? We are not, Big Man was tested. Twice, by the PD. Most of the ones we ordered lay chocolate brown eggs, we don't have any of them yet, so we added on. We also added another dozen or so to the blue eggers. The blue eggs are a big hit on the local egg sales. One day while collecting eggs, we found this one in the box.
We've seen yolk's with no shell. We've seen soft shell eggs, but we've never seen anything like this one. Our birds are unique.

On a chicken related note, Big Man changed the oil in the chicken wing fryer this week. The wings come out a whole new shade of brown with fresh oil.
While we were adding on to our flock this week, we picked up a bunch of new fruit plants. We found gooseberries, jostaberries, another grape vine, something that is a cross between raspberry and blackberry that we've never seen before, and we got another plum tree to add to the orchard. We are about to be some jelly making people in another couple of years.
It's supposed to be in the 70's all this coming week, so we're going to go ahead and plant these, and maybe put in a row of onions in the garden. Have we mentioned how excited we are to start planting?

We did the usual stuff this week on the food front. We start off with Cupcake's favorite Monday meal, paprika chicken.
Then there was Thor's Day red meat offerings. It snowed Thursday, in what we hope was winter's last gasp. There's nothing like a good slow cooked pot roast on a snowy day.
And Cupcake loves her some of Big Man's mac-n-cheese. Unlike "crazy granny" who opens a store bought pack of mac-n-cheese and sprinkles shredded cheese on it, then calls it home made, Big Man goes all from scratch.

And to mix things up on the dessert front this week, Big Man made an apple pie for after meal goodness.

This week Cupcake found a recipe floating around the Faceplace for carrot cake cookies. She wanted to make these for the family shindig on Easter, but Big Man thought we should probably make a test run first, just to make sure they came out alright before we served them to folks. Success

We topped them with some of Big Man's soon to be world famous cream cheese icing. Bring on Easter, because we nailed this one.
We ended the week with wings.

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