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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Projects and Pizza

This week Big Man had to start mowing. He's one day closer to burning the Junk Deere to the ground, so there's that to look forward to. That's about the only good thing about mowing season but what can ya do?
We start off this week with wing sauce. Everybody knows we sign off each week with wings. This requires Big Man's soon to be world famous wing sauce. It's a little different each time he makes it, because there is no set recipe. He just goes down the isles of the local market, picks up anything that looks spicy, and tosses it in until it tastes right. We get a couple of months worth of wings from a gallon of sauce. This week we had to can up a fresh batch. We're sure "The Beamer" will approve.

We did do a little wood working with the leftover Coop Deville wood. Cupcake has been wanting two small tables like the one we use to sell eggs on. She wanted them next to our grill and camp stove outside, so Big Man stepped up and put the screws to some scrap lumber. It would be a whole lot more professional looking if we had access to "The Outlaw's" woodworking tools, but he's batshit crazy and it's really not worth the drama for a couple of outside tables.
It's like a little puzzle

The first time we used the new tables, Fraidy Mutt gave us the seal of approval. Apparently the table is at mutt eye level, and when Cupcake went outside to fry up Saturday morning bacon, FM grabbed the entire package of raw bacon off the table and scarfed it down, wax paper and all, before Cupcake could stop her. So, she's back in the dog house and is working on three weeks without her Saturday morning pancake treat.
"I did bad, Bunk"
Speaking of pancakes, we went a little nuts this week, and made chocolate pancakes. And Jake likes chips in his, so he had chocolate chocolate chip pancakes.
And Jake requested a home made pizza this week. We've been a while without making a pizza, so it was good to keep sharp.
Other food related items, we made hobo packs on the grill one night.

And we still beat our meat.
Thor's Day red meat offering
We ended the week with wings.

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