And since Lawman was a band nerd when he was in high school.....
Somebody had a Fraidy Mutt in the parade |
It was time to prep for another gallon of laundry detergent. As soon as we use up two quarts, we dice up the soap and let it soak in water until we use up the last two quarts. It makes the soap nice and soft when it's time to mix it up.
Our chocolate Maran's started laying eggs this week.
Our first Maran that left us an egg got two eggs to us, and was picked off by a fox. We figured it was just our luck, the fox couldn't kill the girls who stopped laying, had to grab the new bird that just started laying. The rest of the Maran's started laying a few days later. We are starting to get over a half dozen eggs per day again.
The one bird we hatched and kept alive rewards us by delivering her egg to the garage every day. We can't get her to lay in the coop, so we leave the garage door open for her every morning, and she lays her egg at the foot of the chest of drawers we keep the eggs on before we put them out for sale.
And in the same thread of crazy animals, Fraidy Mutt has taken to laying in front of the fireplace during the day. We bet she wishes we would fire it up for her.
There was a couple of pork related pictures this week. Pork chops
And our first batch of sausage balls.
Fruitcakes were made this week
We got a few snow flurries and sleet on Sunday morning
Which helps make it feel like Christmas
We ended the week with wings.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!