To answer last week's burning question, no. We did not have fun this week. Lawman took Sunday off, except for frying Cupcake some wings. By Monday his leg started feeling better, so he got up and tried walking around on it. By Wednesday he was told in no uncertain terms, not to try to mow the yard. Of course he went out and mowed. Wednesday night he had burst one of his stitches and his foot was swollen.
Fraidy Mutt had to have emergency surgery for her infection, we first went to Town and Country animal hospital in C'burg. Lawman has been lied to professionally for over two decades so he can smell a BS story pretty quick. He said he has more respect for gangsters, at least they have the balls to stick a gun in your face before they steal your money. We called the Radford animal hospital and they quoted us a price less than half of T/C, so we took her there. We dropped her off on Thursday and picked her up on Friday. Now Cupcake has two family members limping around the house full of stitches.
Cupcake couldn't dwell on it for too long, because she had to pack for her trip to Las Vegas for a training seminar. We are looking forward to posting a few pictures next week from her big trip.
Prior to her leaving, we found a few more morel mushrooms.
We also did something new this year with our rhubarb. We always pick the blooms off of the plants to prevent them from going to seed. But this year the plants are doing so well, we decided to let one go to seed.
We got all of these seeds from just one bloom. We are going to let them dry out and see if we can sprout a couple. If they work out, we may be inclined to share some seeds with any readers who want to try raising their own rhubarb.
We broke from tradition this week since Cupcake was out of town. There were no wings.
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