This year we made a smoked pulled pork BBQ and Cupcake made deviled eggs.
Homemade BBQ sauce we canned last year |
And a crowd favorite, buttermilk pie
We also helped Pop out with smoking a ham while we were smoking the pork shoulder. Everything was a big hit, there was nothing leftover to bring home.
Prior to the weekend we did usual stuff around The Acre.
We picked our first tomatoes from the garden and we put them to good use. Bacon and tomato biscuits for breakfast.
We would have more ripe tomatoes, but someone enjoys fried green tomatoes.
We had a meal with collard greens from the garden
And we've started getting onions the size of a baseball. We've never raised onions this large before.
This one went to breakfast eggs
And we thinned out our early beets to let the others grow bigger. We picked just enough for two and a half quarts of pickled beets. We changed up the recipe this year and used onions (red, from the garden and huge) and our first jalapeƱo peppers.
Our basil is starting to come in, just in time for the tomatoes and peppers
We have a rouge guinea bird out in the fruit orchard who is sitting on a nest. She has been calling to the other birds and we believe they are trying to bring the littles out of the weeds.
Our broody chickens have hatched all but one guinea egg, so we have twenty three keets and one on the way. We decided to keep fifteen of them and the last nine to hatch we are going to gift to our neighbor. They had guineas last year, but the predators killed off all but two of their birds.
These like to crawl into the feeder and sleep.
And we have hummingbirds visiting the front porch every day, another welcome addition to The Acre.
We were too stuffed from the reunion for wings this week, so we grabbed a nap instead.