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Sunday, June 4, 2017

Memorial Day '17

As is Memorial Day tradition, Lawman changed the small flag to the large flag.
It's mostly a food related update this week. First, we celebrated the actual day with a seafood boil.
We made mac-n-cheese. And not "crazy granny" mac-n-cheese either. Speaking of crazy granny, a little bird told us "The Outlaws" were in town last week. They could have had a place to stay and at least two world class meals a day, but they chose the path of batshit crazy, so.....
We picked our first batch of fresh from the garden collards
And pork chops to go with them
Dinner rolls to round out the meal
We started baking our bacon recently. It doesn't splatter up the stove with grease and it wont shrink up. We like bacon.
We have been making a fresh cheesecake every Sunday and let it chill overnight into Monday. The last two weeks, we've had the Klingon symbol in both of them. This week we did not have the symbol. We have no idea what this one might represent. Anyone?
And lastly we promised an update on the Foxxy Fox situation. As best as we can tell, there was a den of them stationed nearby. The adults would bring the kits to the yard to teach them how to hunt/kill our chickens. Lawman says they should have taught the kits not to hunt chickens in the yard of the Predator Punisher.
All in all, six foxes fell. Lawman killed five, Pop reached out and picked one off. The remaining girls are back to their happy foraging selves and the littles are in the woods eating bugs. All is as it should be around The Acre.
We ended the week with wings.

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