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Sunday, July 15, 2018

He's Got The Touch

Cupcake was gone on a business trip all week so Lawman kept himself busy catching up on garden and housework. He did take a day and go fishing with Pop on Thursday.
They got underway on time, found minnows for sale along the way, got to the boat launch and found no crowd. It was shaping up to be a great day on the water. That's when the everything went sideways.
The boys found a spot and put in with the trolling motor, and the trolling motor would not work. So emergency repairs began.
They couldn't make it work, so they hit on the idea that they could go out in the middle of the lake and use the sonar to find a school of fish, and just drift along with no need for a trolling motor. That's when the sonar stopped working.
They tinkered around for a few hours, but decided to call it a day early. Pop still caught two small fish. He truly has "the touch."
Last week we mentioned there was a crock of lime pickles soaking. Lawman canned them up Monday. They made five pints.
Later in the week, Lawman went through the garden and picked everything he could. He canned everything up. That filled a whole day.

One of the things we got a lot of this year is cucumbers. Lawman liked the lime pickles so much, he put on a second crock full. By the time Cupcake got home, they were ready to can.

While the pickles were canning, we went back to the garden and picked a basket full of tomatoes, kale, onions and peppers, then made a batch of fresh from the vine spaghetti sauce and canned it.

Fresh basil and oregano from the deck herb garden really sets it off. This batch made another gallon.
By the weekend, we released the guinea birds we hatched and the new baby ducks we ordered. The big ducks welcomed them into the group and have been showing them how to duck.
The best part of it is, guinea birds are stupid as mud. Every single time since we've had guineas, the first night of freedom meant crawling around under sheds and coops trying to round them up and get them into the coop. Since these little guys think they are ducks, they follow the ducks into the coop. The big ducks even hop out of the coop and lift the small birds up into the coop with their bills. It's the cutest thing we've seen in a long while.
All we have to do now is keep predators away from them until they get big enough to fend for themselves.
We ended the week with wings. And naps.

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