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Sunday, September 22, 2019

Stocking The Pond

Cupcake was gone on another whirlwind adventure for HCA most of the week, which left Lawman in a lurch for something to do. While she was gone, he decided it was time to start stocking the ponds with some swimming critters. He ordered a batch of minnow traps from Amazon and secured permission to trap in the creek behind the property he care-takes for.
By the time the traps arrived, Cupcake had returned home. She was put in charge of the camera to document the trapping in progress. Below are the photographs she grabbed while Lawman was in the water.

Cupcake got distracted, apparently.
Later that day, we went back to the creek and she did better.
First picture, Lawman falling into the water

Some bluegill, and lots of guppies 

Over a two day period we probably caught a dozen bluegill and at least five or six dozen guppies, so we are on our way.
Saturday we started the job of cleaning up the rocks and roots around the pond. If it ever rains and we do get grass growing on the dams, we will need to mow it. We hauled the rocks to where we are going to build a deck over the pond. We plan on using the rocks for a fire ring.
After we hauled a couple of loads of rocks, we took a break and worked on the wood pile a while. If we're going to have a fire ring, we will need wood. Plus it's meat smoking season, so.....
Sunday after breakfast cleanup, Pop took us to a creek he has permission to trap minnows. We set out the traps so we can up the minnow population.

When Cupcake was coming home, she requested a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies to enjoy when she returned. Lawman loves to bake. It all worked out.
We ended the week with baked spaghetti. And beer bread.


  1. I was once told ponds sort of auto stock. Any truth?

  2. Are your feathered friends still enjoying the pond?
