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Sunday, December 29, 2019

Merry Christmas, You Will Have

Big week for most everyone last week. We're guessing, we don't know.
For us it was. We had a few visitors, cooked a boatload of food and even partook in an adult beverage or two. The lead off batter this week is "Baby Yoda" or "The Child" depending on how strict one follows the SW story line. For us it's Baby Yoda.
We saw a recipe for Baby Yoda deviled eggs and had to try it. As the meme says...."Nailed it"
Arts and crafts were not our strong suit growing up. But, we had our ducks in a row for everything else.
See what we did there?

On to the food portion of last week.
The boy's favorite 
 Lawman got an air fryer for Christmas, so we broke it out and the first dish cooked in it was scallops wrapped in bacon. These were a huge hit. We don't know why we've never had an air fryer up until now?
Everybody's favorite
Cupcake threatened to take hostages if we didn't have fried oysters again this year. It's funny, because "The Outlaw" tried for years to get her to eat his, but apparently Lawman is a far better cook.
Cupcake's favorite. Fried oysters

Sampling the traditional punch
Our standout special last week was the pinwheel that Cupcake makes each holiday season. We did use Steakums. Lawman broke down and bought a food processor for Cupcake to make slicing and dicing a little easier, and man was it easier. We did the onions and peppers in under a minute, then got the bright idea we would use it for a leftover ribeye steak we had. We sliced it up and realized we had enough steak sliced up to do the whole pinwheel. We will never buy steakums again.

For fans of "Archer" we made his secret recipe for "Peppermint Patties" which is a hot chocolate based adult beverage. We see why Sterling keeps a thermos of this stuff around on snowy episodes. We made the hot chocolate from scratch. Now powder mix in this house.

Lawman was told to buy a sushi platter to graze on Christmas Eve, so he did. An early gift was Star Wars light saber chopsticks. How cool are these?
After the holidays, we got back to regular food making. Using the new food processor we sliced up fresh mushrooms and onions for a homemade pizza pie. We cant wait to use the leftover ham for a ham/pineapple pizza next.
We ride out the holiday update with a few pics of the fam doing what we do after we eat.

We ended the week with wings and a nap.


  1. Love to read you guys blobs they are very interesting thanks for sharing and wish you all a Happy New Year !!!
