We have two new additions to The Acre this week. Meet Augustus McCrea and Willow Rose.
About six months ago Fraidy Mutt passed on and we have been without an early warning system. On Dec 3 a litter of pups came into the world. Dec 3rd was Lawman's grandmother's birthday so we thought it was an omen it may be time to adopt.
Grandmother's name was Ruby Rose, and we were going to name the female dog after her, but we didn't want folks thinking we had a Batwoman fetish. No matter how much that may be the case.
So we named the female "Willow Rose" as a blending.
Augustus McCrea needs no introduction if you are a fan of the worlds greatest western ever filmed. If you're not, "Google it, Boot."
Gus picked us, he was the first to approach us and gave us a scratch with his paw. Willow had crazy eyes like Fraidy Mutt did, so it seemed like an easy choice.
We brought them home and got them settled in. At publication time all they've done is sleep and eat. We're sure our five or six regular followers will get tired of puppy pictures in the coming weeks. Sorry in advance.
Cupcake had one rule before we went to pick the pups up. "No dogs on the couch" and that rule lasted almost twelve hours.
Willow takes after the Lawman. Anyone familiar with him knows when he's trying to concentrate he adopts this posture.
One non dog related picture we have this week. We found two bluebirds living on the roof of the house. They fly down to the tree out front and peep in our bedroom window every day.
We fear it may be a few months before we end the week with a nap. We ended this week with potty training and a sandwich.
I will never get tired of puppy pics. they are so cute!!!