We wondered why the turkey kept hanging around the garden, now we see she had a nest near by. Then the hawk started hunting around the garden. It's a shame hawks are protected by the man. Just sayin.
We got our first cucumber out of the garden this week. We couldn't decide if we wanted cucumber water or cucumber and onions. We went with the onions, but now that they are coming in, we will have to cut back on the mint.
We picked our first plums this week too. We've had plum trees for almost ten years and this is the first year we've got fruit. They are not very big, but the flesh is purple all the way to the pit and have a wonderful taste. We can't wait to add these to our Christmas jelly. If we get all that's on the tree this year, we will have enough for a couple of batches of plum jelly as well.
"The Outlaw" sided with the wrong side, because plum jelly is a favorite of his. Sucks to be him this year.
In a shoutout to that side of the family, one for "Crazy Granny" this week. We stopped in The Girls place of employment after the grand opening to check things out. We found a five pound bag of buttermilk biscuit mix. We picked up a bag and were happy with the results. Crazy Granny would approve.
On our food related updates this week, we tried a pork dish in the crock pot. Cupcake loves her some South West chow. We probably should have kept up with the pictures, but we did get a before shot.
The recipe calls for two pounds of pork shoulder, this was a little over six pounds, so we have three meals from one purchase. We consider this an absolute win.
We have been taking the Dudley twins down to the ponds every day so they can burn off energy, and they do. After a long day of running/jumping/playing, they need a nap.
We ended the week with wings