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Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Solution is Simple

I have had this whole civil unrest thing rattling around in my head since it jumped off. It's easy to knee jerk react and shoot off at the mouth. It's kind of my trademark, but I've worked to reign that in since I left the job. And since it's the job that's causing all the fuss, I thought about how to fix the world so it won't ever happen again, and I've come to a simple solution.
After seeing people in my news feed falling over themselves to show everyone how "woke" they are by changing their profile pictures to black or reposting the latest talking head opinion, I wondered just how that helps. I've decided it don't.
Sometimes to see the change, you need to be the change. But, most of the people I'm friends with are getting a little long in the tooth to be changing careers, so I gave it some more thought. Again, I think the answer is simple. Your kids. You've raised them in a woke home and I'm sure if you're asked, they're not assholes? Guide your children, encourage them to march down to the local police station and demand an application. Don't worry, there currently is, and soon to be, thousands of open positions needing to be filled. 
Imagine the pride you will have in your golden years, knowing your progeny are the very instruments of the change you seek today. And this push to remove "Qualified Immunity" should absolutely happen. Nobody will sue you're kids for doing their woke duty so it will only apply to those old time racist police that refuse to leave their positions of oppression. 
And on that note, how to change the guard from current to woke staff you ask? Pay them to leave. 
When I got myself wounded, the department offered a job retraining program to help me become anything I wanted to be. Offer that very program to everyone currently holding a police position. The old way of policing goes out the door, the new woke patrol takes to the streets and everyone is happy. I don't know why no one else has struck on the solution?
You're welcome, America.
Just K this time

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