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Sunday, July 19, 2020

Got Mint?

If you're not making mint water, you're doing it wrong.

Chocolate mint


Our corn tasseled this week, so we are soon to have corn to can. This makes us happy.
Mostly a garden update this week. We picked two five gallon buckets full of green beans that went straight into the jars. Except for a pot full, which we had for dinner one night.

Twenty more jars for the pantry 
Cupcake picked her first of many, green tomatoes to be fried. Fried green tomatoes are her all time favorite, unless we're talking about jalapeno jelly on a cream cheese cracker, because that changed her life.

We started getting tommy toe tomatoes as well. Nothing like a fresh salad picked right off the deck.
We canned up our last batch of lime pickles this week. And we still have mad cucumbers coming in, so if any local peeps are looking for some pickle cucumbers, holla.
Our cabbage that didn't go into the kraut bucket make a fresh coleslaw for dinner one night.
And that's about it for this week. Our guineas hatched a nest of keets and brought them out in the yard Sunday, but they were too far away to get a photograph of. We hope to get a shot for next week.
We ended the week with wings. And a nap.

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