Seems like all our pictures are food related this week.
We started the week out by smoking a deer leg to appease the hunting gods. Seems like every week before deer season, we smoke deer meat. Might be coincidence, might be part of a larger plan. Either way, deer season opens next week and we ate well this week.
We sliced up the leftover meat and planned on having deer gravy on Sunday, but Cupcake had better ideas.
Now we probably think you're looking at these fine plates and thinking "human dinner?" But you'd be wrong, it's doggy breakfast.
And over the weekend, we pitched in together and made a couple dozen cupcakes with chocolate cream cheese frosting.
Funny story that's food related. Over the winter we would eat quite a bit of fruit, and we took the guts from the honeydew melons and toss them out in the yard for the birds. Turns out, some of them came up. We mowed around the vines all year, and this week we cracked one open.
We tossed the seeds back out in the yard for next year.
And sort of food related, we cut the dried corn stalks for decorating this weekend and spruced the place up a little.
And once again, Cupcake wanted oysters for dinner. And once again, she told the story of how "The Outlaw" would ruin a whole jar of oysters when he cooked them, and she never thought she would want to eat them on purpose, but here we are.We ended the week with a nap.