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Sunday, December 12, 2021

"We Hear the Choppers Hoverin...."

 An old Army cadence came to mind this week. We had the power company folks send a trimming chopper down the line. It was a good show for a while, Lawman could totally rock a saw like theirs.

Another outside project we got knocked out this week. After we cut down the concord grape vine we had to rid the area of fungus spores. The interwebs say fire is the best way to treat the fungus. We used the grass rake to rake up dried leaves, dumped them on the grapevine site and burned them just before a shower came through the area. Fingers crossed this works.

Food stuff this week, Lawman found a recipe for gingerbread rice crispy treats. He started out by toasting some pecan pieces.
After that, the wheels pretty much came off the wagon. His treats came out hard enough to pave a walkway with. So he stuck with what he knows, and made this seasons first batch of sugar cookies. And not that store bought in a tube junk "crazy granny" passes off as home made.

And he can still whip up a batch of cat head biscuits to go with Cupcake's favorite, deer gravy, on Sunday morning.

We ended the week with Christmas movie marathons, and naps.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the food...I've gained yet another pound just looking at your pics!
