It's been hot as balls around the Acre this week, probably at your house too? We don't know.
We still managed to get out a little, early in the morning to do some garden stuff. But before we get to the garden pics, we wanted to show off our new obsession in the way of food seasoning.
We put this stuff on errthing. We really like the pecan rub, we used that on a rack of ribs this past week. For some reason, when it's 100* outside, Lawman gets a hankering to smoke meat. We smoked a rack, but only two of us eating, we had a lot of leftover meat. So Cupcake picked the bones and saved the meat. We chopped up some of it and made taco meat out of it. More like fajita meat. And as Melquita likes to say "if it feeds you twice, it's worth the price."
We had a couple of country summertime meals. Meatless. It's the "Outlaw's" favorite summer meal, too bad he's batshit crazy.
Its nice walking out to the garden and picking dinner. We got a small picking of green beans this week, just enough for a meal. We do constant battle with deer over the green beans. Lawman uses the hellfire sauce spray, and that keeps them away until it rains. As soon as the rain washes the spray off, they mow down the beans. We spray, the beans grow back, it rains, they mow them down. We had a dry spell for a couple of weeks, so these beans made it.
We had home made chicken tenders with the beans.
The day the big heatwave rolled in, Lawman got out early and picked a bowl full of blackberries. After the heat hit, he stayed inside and made another batch of jelly. It only made two cooks, and we had to use the pulp in the second batch, so it's more of a jam. The jelly is seedless, another favorite of The Outlaw and Lawman both.
A couple of non food related updates.
First, it was bath time for the DT's. We used the outdoor shower on Serendipity to scrub them down. The rolls were reversed this time. Augustus, who has no love for water, enjoyed his bath. Willow, who loves the water, wasn't having anything to do with being scrubbed on.
After it was over and they both dried off, Willow forgave us, after we rubbed her belly.
Augustus crawled up in his bed with his sleep baby and took a nap.

And we're still losing birds to predators. Normally by now, Lawman would have caught them sneaking in the yard and taken care of bidness, but these guys are smarter than the average predator. Lawman has a friend up in the people's republic of Maryland who feeds a family of fox. This friend posts pictures of the fox family leisurely wandering around the yard. This got Lawman to thinking, maybe he could use trap lure in the yard, put a camera on the lure and see what time foxxy comes around. He did, and foxxy rolled in around 2130hrs. This is before our bedtime, so Lawman set up on the front porch, and at 2130, here comes foxxy. Lawman cranked off a round at him but missed. He waited a few minutes and then a coyote blundered in. The fox came back and the two were working out who was going to pee on the lure first while Lawman looked on in wonder. As soon as they took a break from the pissing contest, Lawman got off another shot. Missing again.
So, thinking his aim was not what it used to be, he moved the lure spot closer to the front porch to use a shotgun. The next night, Lawman goes out with his trusty shotgun and finds a raccoon around the lure. Our neighbor has lost a lot of his birds to raccoons, so this one had to go. But, Lawman wasn't going to waste a coyote round on a raccoon, so he grabbed the rifle and took a shot, and missed again.
Next morning, Lawman set up his zero range and tested the scope. It was shooting a foot low and eight inches left. We're guessing the rifle got dropped?
Anyway, the scope is back to zero and foxxy and Wiley Coyote's days are numbered.
We ended the week with naps.