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Sunday, July 10, 2022

Easy being Green

 The garden took up most of our week this week. We were either tilling it or picking something out of it. We started off with another batch of collards. We did better this week and got a picture of them after we worked them up in the food processor. We still don't have a picture of the finished product because we are in too big of a hurry to eat them. Maybe next week?

We got our first squash this week, so you know Cupcake got fried squash for dinner.
More cucumbers came in, so six more jars of sweet pickles are hidden somewhere in the house now.

The basil is still coming in. We're cutting and drying it, but we used some fresh cuts in a pot of sketti one night.

And the garden wasn't enough of a challenge to keep us busy, so we started picking blackberries and red raspberries. 

We've got a couple of gallons frozen, but next week Lawman says he's going to make a blackberry/rhubarb pie. Because he's mastered pie crust now.
Speaking of pie crust. Cousin Tommy made a donation to the family cemetery a while back, so Lawman asked if there was a pie/cake he could whip him up to say thank you. A pecan pie was the request.

When Lawman got it finished, Cupcake said it looked so good, she was going to need one of her own. The next day, she got one.
We ended the week with pie and naps.

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