The time has come to decorate for fall. Don't take our word for it, look to mother nature. She gave us our first pumpkin of the season, so Cupcake grabbed all the fall candles and decorations and got busy decorating.
We also got our white peaches in this week. Lawman loves his peaches crispy just like "The Outlaw" does. It's a shame he's batshit crazy, he could be eating like a king this week.
We are going to make jelly out of most of them, but Lawman cut out enough to make a fresh peach pie.
We made another picking of tomatoes this week, and Lawman canned them in quart jars to save for deer chili and whatnot as the winter approaches.
Cupcake loves her some fried green tomatoes, and what Cupcake wants, Cupcake gets.
Cupcake also used a few fresh tomatoes, along with fresh carrots, potatoes, corn and peas from the garden to make a veggie beef soup. We had T-bone steaks for dinner one night, and threw the bones in to cook off the leftover meat, along with a pound of Acre harvested deer burger.
While she was working on the soup, Lawman whipped up a batch of yeast rolls to go with. The DT's loved them more than we did, if we read the facial expressions right?
After we ate, we had a lot of soup left over. Lawman put it in pint jars and canned it up, so Cupcake could have it for lunch when she wanted something different than tomato soup. He figures it's the least he can do, since she keeps him in the lifestyle he's grown accustomed to.
Outside farm stuff we did a bit of as well.
We had to mow the cemetery and the yard, so that took a few days. We also added more chicks to the flock. We were at Tractor Supply and saw they had a couple dozen chicks left. The manager said he would sell them cheap if we took them all, so we did. Two dozen added.
We're bird dogs ya know |
Then Sunday after church, "The Boy" and "The Girl-in-Law" were at Rural King, and reported they had pullets for fifty cents, so we headed west. We picked up another two dozen chicks, but these were much smaller birds, so they have to spend some time in the heat bin before we can get them down to the coop.
You may be asking yourself "Why buy more birds, when they are losing them to predators?"
This would be a good time to stop reading, if dead chicken killers isn't your thing. You've been warned.
Lawman has been doing a battle of wits with a gray fox this week. The fox was winning, until it wasn't.
Lawman finally got all the shot Friday night, and put an end to the reign of terror on our chickens.
We've still got pictures of a red and a coyote, but they only come around maybe once a month. We don't think they are preying on our birds, but if they start showing up on the regular, Lawman says he can dust off his punisher cap and go do work.
We lost 75ish birds this year, so the four dozen we bought this week won't bring us back up to 100 birds, but we hope to keep what we have alive into next year. Fingers crossed.
We ended the week with a chicken shopping spree, and a nap.