We had our first week without rain since early spring, so Lawman got caught up on his mowing most of the week. Almost all of our goings on involved food this week, but our lead off picture is our girl Willow. She had an ear infection, so says the vet from our last visit. We think this may be one of the reasons she hasn't been swimming in the pond much this summer? Anyway, being a dog is exhausting.
Cupcake went to the the freezer for some deer tenderloin to have for Sunday breakfast, and was shocked to learn there was only one pack left. Good thing deer season opens next weekend. We managed to stretch last winters kills out right up to opening weekend. We've still got plenty of ground burger meat, which is good, because we love some sketti up in here. We also found a new dinner roll recipe. Overnight sour cream dinner rolls. You make the dough 24 hours before dinner, let it rest in the fridge until it's time to bake. Then you proof it and bake. We like this one too, it has an almost brioche flavor. The DT's also enjoyed them, as the leftovers are nite nite treats. And they love their nite nite treats.Lawman dusted off his recipe for pumpkin rolls, and made the first one of the season this week.
We had grilled chicken for dinner one night, and Cupcake said a batch of chicken salad with grapes sure would hit the spot for her lunch. And as we all know,what Cupcake wants, Cupcake gets.And last for the week, our chestnut tree opened up and we got a handful of chestnuts. We grabbed them up before the deer found them. We picked a bunch from Pop's trees too, so we were thinking we might try to plant these and get a mall grove going? We'll see.We ended the week with a couple of naps.