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Sunday, September 11, 2022

The Beamer Approved

 We had planned on throwing a wing ding for The Boy to celebrate his graduation this week, but we just couldn't get all the ducks in a row to make that happen. We're going to try again next week. 

The big thing around The Acre this week was spiders. And we know "The Beamer" would approve, we? Not so much.

We first started noticing an abundance of spiders on our daily runs with the DTs. We would drive through several webs that had been built across our trail, causing both of us to freak out. Then Cupcake started to notice spiders building webs all over the house.

Back door

Lime tree, back porch

Front porch deck

Garage door

Second floor window
This is also a sign of a hard winter to come. We're ready, bring it on.
It rained all week, so getting outside to do things was limited. Lawman had to weed wack the cemetery in the rain so he could mow Friday. But, like cousin Tommy says "The trimmer don't know it's raining."
Lawman did whip up another apple spice cake this week.

This week he topped it with his soon to be world famous cream cheese icing.
Cupcake made a Chic-Fil-A version of chicken tenders that turned out very well. We had them on biscuits with a little honey drizzle.

Our first pumpkin spice pancakes rolled out Saturday morning.
And for steak and tater night, Lawman made another batch of dinner rolls.
We would have shown the 'after' pictures, but we kinda ruined the picture by digging in to them as soon as they came out of the oven.
One last picture for the week, we have a Cupcake sized ear of corn growing in the planter box.
We ended the week with a couple of naps.

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