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Sunday, October 9, 2022


 We tried to get a picture of Jupiter over the full moon this week. Our little blog camera just aint got the chops for it. But it sure was pretty to look at.

Deer season opened up this week, but the first three days it rained. Day four, Lawman took to the trees but got busted by the wind. We hoped we would have some venison on ice by now. Maybe next week?
Lawman took advantage of the cooler weather and cleaned out the slanty shanty.

We love our ducks, but they sure do make a mess of the coop. The plus side to a coop full of duck poop, we have plenty for the gardens. Lawman cleaned off the barn garden, stored the fence parts and tomato cages, then cleaned it off so we could start dumping the coop litter on it for next season.
This time of year we would normally be camping somewhere, but 46's economy kept us home this fall, so we fired up the camp ring and did dinner over the fire one night. 

We hit up the local country store this week and found a sugar cured ham. We've never fixed a sugar cured ham for Christmas before, so we picked one up. 
We ended the week with a couple of naps.

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