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Sunday, February 5, 2023

Princess Layah

 We have a hen that does her own thing around The Acre. She wont keep with the flock and she runs off to hide her eggs every day. It's like an Easter egg hunt every day, her eggs are even blue. We're not sure if she's run 'afowl' (see what we did there?) or just a lone rider?

Cupcake has named her "Princess Layah" her nurd transformation is nearly complete.

And keeping with everything is crazy on The Acre, we give you one of our smarter ducks.
Other goings on this week. Chief Walters came off some of his fortune and bought himself a skeet shooting shotgun. We're sure he can use it for other stuff too? Anyway, he's got the hang of it already.

Lawman tossed a few clay pigeons, and he popped them all. 
On food related stuff this week, we started the week out with a recipe Cupcake wanted to try for carrot cake muffins.

We're going to be keeping these around too.
Later in the week, we had to drive down to BJs in Roanoke to cancel our membership there, so we decided to move over to Sam's Club again. They don't sell diesel fuel, but had some pretty good deals on stuff we buy in bulk. One thing that caught Cupcake's eye was 'cowboy steaks.'
We still have a box full of gifted meat from our neighbors, but we've never seen steaks like these so we decided to give them a whirl.
They fried up really well on the Blackstone. We were pleased with the results, but they are kind of spendy, so we're going to limit them to caught on sale or special occasions in the future.
In the spirit not wasting anything, we took the bones and slow boiled them in our water bath canner all weekend along with some carrots, onions and celery, then canned up the bone broth Sunday after breakfast.

And while we're talking about Sunday breakfast, Lawman whipped up another batch of angel biscuits over the week and cut them out Sunday morning. This week he rolled them out, then folded the dough over a couple of times before he cut them out, that gave them layers. Just like those "crazy granny" canned biscuits. 
We ended the week with full bellies and a couple of naps.

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