As per usual, the weekend here at The Acre is a busy one. Saturday was a back to school shopping day, plus Jacob's pick-up truck had the finishing touches put on it, and he is now in possession of his first set of wheels. Cupcake is a little on edge, but I fondly remember my first day of driving myself so I'm thrilled for the lad.
After the initial shock of J.B. being a little closer to being a grown-up, we got down to the business at hand.
First order of business was pickles. Our cucumbers are still producing, and we're still picking and canning the goodies. Nine more jars of "those yellow pickles" in the basement.
We're also very excited about a couple of finds in the wild. Well, one really wasn't a find, I've known about them for several years, but this year it's going to pay off (fingers crossed).
Wild grapes, or "Fox Grapes" as they are known here local
Old timers rave about juice, jelly and wine from these wild grapes. Depending on the results this year, we would like to make all three. Jelly for sure, so stay tuned.
Our second find was blueberry bushes.
We made out like a bandit when we stumbled upon them, and picked enough for five more jars of blueberry pie filling.
Plus the blackberry bushes are in full swing, and we had enough for four more jars of blackberry pie filling
Cobbler season is ready to jump off around here. We also picked our first two ears of Silver Queen corn yesterday. Next weekend I'm taking a brisket to the smoker in anticipation of "Rhulenbarb" to visit The Acre. Smoked brisket, roasted fresh potatoes and grilled garden corn update next weekend.
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