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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Anniversary Dinner

Yesterday was our anniversary. We dont remember exactly the day we first met in '88 but we do know we came back together on Sept. 24th. So for a low key celebration, I made a semi-special meal. It started over a week ago when I rubbed down a brisket tip with dry rub, and put it in the fridge for the usual 10 days. Yesterday morning I started Oklahoma Joe up before the sun came up, and got the meat on early.
I took the meat off and let it rest like I always do, then sliced it just before dinner time
I also made a skillet full of roasted potatoes and carrots
A few dinner rolls
And a rhubarb cobbler for dessert
It's good to be retired. Happy Anniversary Cupcake. Love you!!
Just K today


  1. Happy Anniversary...and great looking meal. Now I'm hungry!

  2. Happy Anniversary.....
    Now I have to go start to marinate a pork loin because I am hungry

  3. Joyous to know about your wedding anniversary dinner. Couple of months ago, I arranged my brother’s wedding reception at one of excellent New York venues. Booked a nice venue through the internet and arranged a lovely party with help of my sister.
