Another weekend, another busy canning session. The end results look a little something like this...
We made another batch of jalapeno jelly, a bushel of turnip greens in jars, and a bushel of apples are now apple sauce. We figure we have enough for six months of Sunday breakfasts in the basement now. The best part of the weekend is, we got to use my grandmother's jars. We rescued around three cases of jars my grandmother used for no telling how long, these are older than I am, no doubt. Some are Atlas brand, and some special gems are blue Mason's.
Keeping a family tradition alive is just gravy on our grits of a good weekend.
And speaking of Sunday breakfast, today we had a special treat.
Early in the week, Critter Gitter put a sniper shot on a squirrel, and requested squirrel gravy for Sunday breakfast. Who are we to say no? Best way to fix squirrel gravy is with a tender squirrel, so while working the pressure cooker this week, I put the squirrel in a pint jar and cooked it up. This made the meat tender, and preserved it until Sunday. We started by taking the meat off the bones.
Next it's into the cast iron skillet and butter for a little browning
Then it's business as usual for gravy
We also came to the end of our Foxgrape wine making. We opened the bucket up and poured the mash into a towel, straining the pulp from the wine. We ended up with just shy of two gallons.
I don't know the first thing about describing wine to people who know something about wine, but it's very fruity and a little sweet. We like it, a lot.
Kattie Grace had a friend over this weekend, after breakfast and after the gal pal was dropped off to her family, Kattie Grace took it upon herself to give "Fraidy Mutt" a bath.
Fraidy Mutt wasn't as excited about it as Kattie Grace was.
We also tried one more new thing this weekend. Cupcake, being the research specialist in the family, found a recipe for home made caramel. And since we had a bunch of apples on hand, we figured we would give it a whirl. Making it is simple, take a can of sweetened condensed milk, place it in a crock pot full of water and cook, unopened, on high for six hours.
Ours is still cooking, follow up report later. It's also "Chicken Wing Sunday" We hope everyone has had as good a weekend as we have.
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