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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Miracle

We update on Mother's Day this week, and it was a good day. Morel mushrooms, AKA "Miracles" came up this week, and we just happened to scrounge a few up.
We first fried up a few of these last spring, and we loved them. They only grow for about a week, and only after a rain, and only after the second week of May. They taste like fried oysters (So says the Big Man).
Cast iron cooking

Fried Miracle mushrooms, once a year treat

We had a pretty good week for eating, we smoked some chicken, fried some squash, baked some dinner rolls, and a couple of strawberry rhubarb pies.

Fried squash and one lone miracle mushroom

After our rain that brought the mushrooms to be, we had a very calm morning. Cupcake captured the mist rising at daybreak.
We also planted our squash plants we started a few weeks ago, and we planted our cucumbers and tomato plants. We had to put chicken wire around our tomato plants, because the little birds discovered worms, and fresh tilled dirt is a buffet for chicks. They wasted no time wrecking the plants.

They also took over the hen house.
Coops are for Suckas
One other thing we planted this week was a muscadine grape vine.

Cupcake says she wants to feed grapes to the Big Man while he lays in her lap on the couch. Sounds like a plan. 

We had a Mother's Day meal of chicken wings, if you can imagine that?

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