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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

First, a short rant. I mean why have a blog if you can't rant?  Many people seem to confuse Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Veterans Day is the day to thank a vet (November 11th). Memorial Day is for the fallen, the brothers and sisters who gave the last full measure for their country. Please make a note.  Here at The Acre, we switch flags on Memorial Day. Big Man flies a 3X5 flag from the day after Veterans Day to Memorial Day. Memorial Day weekend to Veterans Day, we fly the 5X8 flag.

Now, on to the Sit-Rep at The Acre this past week.
Our first order of business was livestock. The cows were delivered this week, and we had a small hatching of guineas to add to our flock.
We found another apple with sprouted seeds in it, so we cut them out and planted them in another bucket of dirt.
While we were planting things, we scratched out a spot for our mushroom garden. We found an apple tree near the house that's well shaded, and had a rotten log underneath it. We raked out a nice spot and spread our mushroom spores about.
There was a small picking of miracle mushrooms early in the week. We have had them fried in batter, fried in eggs, so this last batch we tried something a little different, we put em on a homemade pizza pie. It rocked

We also noticed the blackberry bushes were busting with blooms this year, we have our fingers crossed for a good crop come summer.
Speaking of good crops, we found little bunches of grapes on our grape vines while we were out and about

And on a crop related thread, we added a plank to our potato boxes, and added dirt to the vines

And last but not least, fresh pie. Our rhubarb has been coming on strong, and we got our first picking of strawberries this weekend, so we made a fresh from the garden strawberry rhubarb pie.

If you've never had it, you just don't know. We speculate the rhubarb and strawberries will not grow fast enough this year, so we are adding to the patch for next year.  We ended the weekend with Chicken Wing Sunday, because that's how we roll.

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