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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Tar Tinkers, Flu Floopers and Who Wompers

This post is for Christmas Day goings on. The one day Kattie Grace is awake before the crack of noon. She announced the night before, that she would be getting us up at 0500 to start the day. At 0430 girlfriend was in the bedroom. We got up, let the mutt out, poured coffee and distributed presents. Big Man checked the time, it was 0501. Kattie said we would OPEN presents at 0500, she just got us up in time to start on time. Bless her heart.

And is tradition around The Acre, the chirruns were allowed to pick one present on Christmas Eve and open it before bed.

A good time was had by all.
From all of us here at The Acre, we hope your Christmas was merry as well.

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