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Monday, December 1, 2014

Busy Week

The week of Thanksgiving was a busy one for us. We posted about the actual meal, but there was a lot of behind the scenes stuff going on. Normal meals, dressed up dogs and whatnot.
Cupcake always dresses the mutt up for the holidays, and she is still not impressed when it happens.
The rest of us sprang in to action though. Before we got to holiday food prep, we made a from scratch pizza pie, and this time Big Man cut up a fresh pineapple for the pizza.

Regular readers will know already, we are huge cast iron cooking fans. Below is a picture of the cast iron pizza pan after cleanup. We sprayed it with water, wiped it off with a towel and oiled it down with some olive oil. It's way better than non stick crap you buy in the stores these days, but if you don't use it, you just don't know.

Big Man found a recipe for cranberry cookies, and whipped up a batch prior to the big day. Because he has free time like that.
Fresh berries, real orange zest.

Early reviews were good, so we will probably keep making them.
There was also apple cake, the latest obsession here at The Acre.
We chopped up fresh cranberries for this apple cake

Big Man's soon to be world famous cream cheese icing
And our regular followers know we are nuts about some snow. We work all summer to prep for a hard winter, so when it snows it makes us giddy. This week we got about six inches, so the giddy was wide open while we made dinner Thursday.

And what is better than having snow on Thanksgiving? Having matching nerd sweatshirts to wear while it's snowing. We have been big fans of Arrow on TV, and the spin off "The Flash" is probably going to be just as good. We are faithful followers, and picked up these in it's honor.
If you don't watch, you won't get it.
There was a couple canning related items this week. First, cranberry sauce.

Canning cranberry sauce in the snow, just like The Walton's use to do
And second was turkey broth. We don't waste food around The Acre, so after we picked the Thanksgiving turkey, we boiled the bones then canned the broth. We made two gallons, so that's four batches of chicken noodle soup or other broth related meals down the road. Can't beat a pressure canner, they are just too handy.
Add a few carrots, spices, onions, and boil

Can we get a yum for later?
And last but not least, our family tradition of Christmas decorations. Thanksgiving night, we turn on the outside lights, and the weekend following, we get our tree and decorate it.
Time to move those presents under the tree.

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