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Monday, March 2, 2015

Blue Eggs and Snow

Another exciting week around The Acre to report on. Well, as exciting as it gets for us.
Eight months ago, we attempted to hatch 18 lavender chicken eggs. Three did hatch, one died three days later, leaving us two pure lavender birds. As luck would have it, there is one rooster and one hen. Hens usually start laying around six months old, but ours decided to take her time. Almost eight months to the day, she began to lay, and we had our first blue egg.
We hope to start hatching a flock of lavender birds starting this coming weekend. We have decided on "Helo" and "Boomer" for the parent birds names. Fans of Battlestar Galactica will appreciate the reference.
We had another snow event over the week. We had to break down and add a couple snow pictures. We love being snowed in.

When we are snowed in, we make comfort foods. We have all kinds of soup canned and stored up. We make fresh bread to go with it. We just can't understand why everyone dosent make their own bread.
Another comfort item is potato based. This week we went old school with roasted potatoes that we canned over the fall.
We still have our weekend breakfasts every weekend. The home made orange marmalade is the current big hit around The Acre.

And you have to have a little something something sweet every now and again. Big Man found a recipe for a peach cream dessert. And since we have a shelf full of canned peaches, we gave it a try.

It was pretty good, but we need to tweek the recipe to make it our own.
Over this week, we lost one of our neighbors who's son is friends with Jacob. Jacob wanted to take some food to the family, so we sprang in to action. Big Man whipped up a peach cobbler, and Cupcake fixed a chicken casserole and a batch of real home made macaroni and cheese (not a tin full of store bought with cheese sprinkled on top of it. Yes, some people think that's home made).

And as the two or three followers of us know, we don't like to waste anything. Cupcake took the chicken bones and we threw in some bay leaves, celery and spices, then boiled down a batch of chicken broth. We canned the broth to save for later meals.

We used the cast iron pot to make the broth, and we seemed to have gotten a bit of iron transfer to the broth. No worries of going anemic around here.
Lastly, we did a couple of DIY things. We made a batch of laundry detergent.
And toothpaste.

This batch of toothpaste we melted the coconut oil, blended in the baking soda powder, and a few drops of spearmint oil for flavor, then poured it into a small plastic cup. We just scrape it out with our toothbrush as we go.
We ended the week with a fresh jar of wing sauce on our wings.

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