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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Family Spotting

There was some construction going on at The Acre this week. Big Man planted four posts, two for a fence corner that has been a problem since the electric fence was built, and two more for grape vines to run along. We hitched up the trailer to the big blue bus, and went to town to do some trading. While at Home Depot picking up cement and posts and whatnot, "Uncle Billy" pulled in beside the truck.
We can only figure that he recognized the truck, because he pulled out and away without so much as a "boo-scat-or kiss my ass". It's true what they say, you can't pick your family. However, if anyone reading this would like a log home built, we can SOOOO put you in touch with him. After Cupcake and Big Man both had homes built (started anyway) by Uncle Billy, we have loads of stories we can share about his business practices.
But on to the pictures.
First, we hung a new picture in the bedroom. Cupcake found this one, and we agree
Next, the construction portion of the week, posts
Fence corners, fixed right this time

Grape vine run, under construction
Some DIY pics. Toothpaste and deodorant.

Finished products
We smoked meat this week
And we have a few pictures of our future garden, and the lemon trees are still with us
Tomato seeds, about ready to transplant to pots

The wild tomato we dug up in November is full grown now

We hoped to have new hatched chicken pictures to share this week, but the first round seems to be duds. This first batch of eggs were from the first week "Boomer" started laying, so we were thinking they may not have been fertile yet.
Each week we save the blue eggs, and put them in the incubator on Friday. It's a twenty one day cycle, so we plan on weekend hatching. Looks like this weekend is a bust, but we have three more batches in the hopper. We will be keeping our fingers crossed.
We ended the week as we always do.

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