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Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sausage and Snow Flurries

We had a last gasp of winter at The Acre this past week. We figure everyone else did too, so we're not going to put too fine of a point on it. One of the first things we did this week was make our own sausage. Cupcake found a recipe for it and we found ground pork meat at the local (new and improved) Kroger store.
This is a trial run for making our own sausage full time, we have to tinker with the recipe and make it our own first. Maybe even have a hog of our very own, as soon as we get the smoke house off the "to-do" list and in the back yard. But first, back to the sausage.

We made patties and have it resting in the fridge. We will report on our progress.
The Flurries part of the update was a bit of a shock. We heard it was going to be cold toward the end of the week, but we never expected to wake up to snow. It didn't amount to anything but a photo op.

Just prior to the cold snap, Lawman got around to one of his "to do" list items, that was fencing off the blueberry bushes from the birds. Last year we lost every single berry to the girls, and Lawman vowed it would be their last. To combat weeds coming up inside the chicken wire, he gathered up a couple of wagon loads of pine needles. Pine needles are high in acid, and blueberry bushes love them some acidic soil. Win-Win.

We fenced off a total of four bushes, not counting the four we bought and planted this year. We figure those will not produce this year anyway.
Our rhubarb is up.
And so is our Purple Martin bird house.
We planted two fig trees, new to The Acre this year
And our big ongoing project, we stained some more on the decks this week.


All this work requires food, and we sure do like to eat. One of the fun things we did this week was make mac-n-cheese, but we added some of Lawman's MRE cheese to the mix. This is definitely not crazy grannies mac-n-cheese.
Lawman made another batch of dinner rolls with his new favorite recipe.
We tried a new syrup with Saturday pancakes. We found this in Nashville.
And we always end the week with wings. This week is no exception, only we made a big batch of Lawman's scratch made chocolate chip cookies to chase them with.

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