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Sunday, July 9, 2017

I'm Batman

We had a bit of excitement this week. Lawman woke up to let the mutt out and was doing the change the water, fill the food bowl thing when he found this in the sink.
Back when Lawman was on the job, he actually was a "Batman". He was one of the first people assigned to a newly formed specialized unit named "Beat Officers Against Trafficers" or BAT for short. He wore a silver pin that spelled out BAT and had a rubber ink stamp with the Batman symbol he stamped all his arrests with. One has nothing to do with the other, it's just a tidbit we thought we'd share. The above bat got shown the door, the only thing we can figure is it flew into the garage and laid low until somebody left through the garage door and slipped in.
We had a busy week in the garden. We made three batches of pickles, every other day or so we would get enough cucumbers to make a few jars of pickles. We slice them minutes after we pick them and put them in the crock with lime powder. The next day we rinse them and pack them in jars with which ever sauce we are making that day. This week was all bread and butter pickles. Last week it was all dill.

We picked the first two heads of cabbage and cut them in half. We made fried cabbage with one half and slaw with the second half.

We picked our first half bushel of green beans for canning this week.
 The dog loves raw green beans. She worried us to death while we were stringing/breaking them for canning.

We are quite pleased with the progress of the garden this year, our black tomatoes are starting to produce fruit, and the corn is taller than lawman already.

The jalapeno peppers and sweet potatoes are also doing well. We even noticed our first okra on the bushes Sunday morning.

Sunday morning after breakfast, we picked a five gallon bucket full of beets. We had a batch of pickles already in the crock, so we did pickles all morning. Pickled beets and bread and butters.

Last from the garden report is lettuce and banana peppers.

There was some cooking this week, if you can imagine that? We had our pals Doctor and Mrs. Carfagna out for our annual 4th of July visit. We smoked a brisket and made a skillet full of potatoes with deviled eggs, slaw and a cheesecake.

Doctor Chuck tried to make friends with Fraidy Mutt, we're not sure if it was because he's a new face, or because he had "Chewbacca" on his feet at the time, but Lily wasn't having any part of it. Until later in the night after Chuck shared some food then rubbed her butt. They're inseparable now.
Lawman pulled an oldie but goodie from the playbook and made Cupcake a dinner of baked burritos one night.

And we went old school with fried chicken one night.

And we ended the week with wings. After a nap.

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