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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Wonky Buck Down

 We've had a wonky horned buck around The Acre all summer. It's horns were growing down and toward it's face. We knew we had to eliminate him from the gene pool before we had ten years of wonky deer roaming around. So several of us in the neighborhood were gunning for him.
The Boy was leaving for a football game Friday evening when he spotted wonky in our garden enjoying our beets and peppers.
He grabbed his bow and stalked wonky within a few yards.

Last meal gave him heartburn (see what we did there?)
So in celebration, we had fresh deer gravy for breakfast Sunday morning.
Cupcake was gone on another whirlwind adventure for HCA this past week, so Lawman had unsupervised free time, so he got caught up on a few 'to do' list items. First on the list was a new light fixture in the master bedroom closet. The original stopped working a while back and we made due with a battery operated motion sensor light. But we needed a real light.
Then it was smoker wood
And just before Cupcake came home, Lawman whipped up a fresh pumpkin roll for her.

Pop's beef critter came home this week, so we took a few packages of hamburger to get us through the winter.
Friday, Cupcake made it back home and the guinea birds welcomed her home. They saw her at the kitchen window washing dishes and came to visit. Because nothing says "Welcome Home" like a sink full of week old dirty dishes after flying across the country and sleeping in hotels.
The weekend we decided to stay in. Saturday night we made a from scratch batch of tomato soup.

While we were shopping at BJ's, we found a fresh pack of baby back ribs. We seasoned them up with Lawman's meat rub (Giggity) and vacuum sealed them until Monday.
We ended the week with a pot roast in the crock pot. And a nap.

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