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Sunday, January 31, 2021

Snowed Inn

 We got a lite dusting of snow early in the week, then we got a "keep us at home" snow to end the week. Well, for the most part. We went over to Pop's to dig him out Sunday morning, but that was as far as we went.

The Dudley Twins love, love, LOVE snow. They bounce around like Tigger until they just lay down in the snow waiting for us to carry them back to the house. We don't spoil them quite that bad. Yet.

The snowblower finally got to come out and play this week. It's been three years since we got any use out of it.

Since we were snowed in, we did your typical snowed in meals. Veggie beef soup in the crock pot.

Lawman's soon to be famous baked burritos 

We had to make another pecan pie.
Sunday morning, Cupcake asked for scratch made chocolate donuts. That's what she got. Not the "Crazy Granny" donuts, store bought on a plate.

And later in the day, The Boy asked for preacher cookies for the coming week's lunches.

Then on a spoiling the dogs note, we let them watch TV in the bedroom with us for the last hour or so before bedtime.

We ended the week with a nap, and wings


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