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Sunday, January 10, 2021

We Heart Snow

 For those of you who still don't have windows, we have a bunch of snow pictures this week. 

The Dudley Twins love them some snow, so we took them out Saturday to run and jump and play all day. While we were at it, Lawman tried to burn the brush pile from pond construction, but it just was not meant to be. He said he would starve to death, had he chosen arson as his vocation.

While Lawman tinkered with the fire, Cupcake snapped some winter wonderland pics.

While the twins did their thing.

Other than the trip to the wilderness, we didn't get out much last week. Deathstroke was out of commission and had to be towed in to the dealership for repairs. Then Shelor's lost him somewhere on the lot, which set back repairs for three days. We hope to get out a little more this coming week. 
We did do a little cooking while we were stranded.
Cupcake made her soon to be world famous baked sketti.

Lawman baked the twins a batch of cornbread muffins, for nite nite treats.
We polished off the last of the holiday ham, so we boiled the bones for a fresh batch of broth and canned it up.
The Boy requested some choco chip cookies
To go with his brand new truck he purchased this week.
And as we always do, we ended the week with wings. And a nap.



  1. Always love reading these blogs. Y'all represent the best of the NRV and make me miss it. Cheers!

  2. You are coming to us from the future... the date stamp on your camera is February 2024. Glad to know we didn't blow the whole thing up 🤣
