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Sunday, January 19, 2014

DIY and Snow

This week we got our first real snow, it only amounted to a couple of inches, but it still counts. Building up to the snow, we did a new DIY project, and made a new recipe, but most of the week was old favorite meals in the comfort food category. It's winter people, it's what you're supposed to do.
First off, our DIY project. Home made fabric softener. We learned that plain white vinegar is just as or more effective a fabric softener than store bought. We thought we would be going out in public smelling like a feminine hygiene product, so Big Man tried plain vinegar on a load of his own clothes first. There was no residual vinegar smell what so ever. We used plain white vinegar for most of the week, but decided we wanted to add a little scent to our wash. We bought a couple bottles of hair conditioner from Wal-Mart. The conditioner cost less than a dollar and added a nice apple smell to the mix. We figure our home made conditioner cost 1/4 of the price of Downy. It's a keeper here at The Acre.
When the snow forecast came in, Big Man whipped up a batch of "Energy bars" he found a recipe for on one of our prep-er blogs we follow. The recipe was simple, peanut butter, oats, flax seeds, chocolate chips and honey. Toss it in a mixer and then spoon it out into balls. It's a healthy snack that we enjoyed.


Our snow came Friday night, Saturday morning our new birds first snow. They were not impressed, and wouldn't even come out of the coop until Big Man shoveled a path for them.

Wild birds still getting a few sunflower seeds

  Big Man spent the week in the kitchen, and the meals turned out pretty well this week. It's a hobby we both enjoy.
Monday, home made lasagna and fresh baked bread

Tuesday, home grown greens, scallop potatoes and raspberry cobbler

And a smoked chicken

Wednesday was smoked ribs, slow cooked bake beans and deep dish apple pie

Thursday, home made chicken pot pie (leftover smoked chicken)

Friday was date night, so Big Man took a day off from the kitchen, but Saturday we made home made butter pecan ice cream and a peach cobbler from the canned peaches in the pantry. We ended the week with "Chicken Wing Sunday" as always.

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