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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Follow Up to Laundry, and Recycling

We thought we would share a few "action" pictures of the home made laundry detergent from last post. We were lucky enough to have Speedy out in the woods while we were making the batch. He came home with a butt full of ground in mud. And Big Man had a towel with dried blood from shaving. Both stains were knocked out with just a spoon full of our detergent.

And for an added test, Big Man steam mopped the floors Friday, this is the mop cover before and after a wash in the new stuff.

So we decided to make another batch, Pops wants to try the stuff anyway.

And on a related topic in a Sheldon way of thinking, we hit on recycling last post. We do recycle just about everything we can here at The Acre. This is a shot of the recycle center
Plastic, metal and glass goes to the recycle bin. Junk mail, cardboard boxes and paper towels go into the plastic garbage can, and ends up in the burn hole. Food scraps go in the chicken run, so we really don't have anything going into the dumpsters/landfill.
We even recycle our coffee grounds and egg shells. We dry the egg shells, then break them up into small pieces and keep them in a bag. We add the grounds and shell fragments to the garden as fertilizer.

And we added to our decor at The Acre this weekend. While we were out we found a couple of bottles of wine to add to our kitchen. We don't drink the stuff, but when we find something that reminds us of The Acre, we buy it and display it. Plus ya never know when the Perron's will stop in for a visit.

The two new bottles are below. One is for Speedy, the other is in honor of Big Man's new In-Laws and their pet name for him.
Stay Classy Steve and Cookie.....

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